Bridge ONTs configure on ZTE OLT

Bridge ONTs configure on ZTE OLT

Bridge ONTs configure on ZTE OLT

This is how Bridge ONTs can be configured on ZTE OLT version 1.x
In this example Ethernet will be as access on specific VLAN ID.
conf t;
interface gpon-onu_1/{SlotID}/{PortID}:{ONUID}
sn-bind enable sn
tcont 1 profile {profile Name}
gemport 1 unicast tcont 1 dir both
gemport 1 traffic-limit downstream {Profile Name}
switchport mode hybrid vport 1
switchport vlan {VLAN ID} tag vport 1
port-location sub-option remote-id enable vport 1

conf t
pon-onu-mng gpon-onu_1/{SlotID}/{PortID}:{ONUID}
flow 1
flow mode 1 tag-filter vid-filter untag-filter discard
flow 1 priority 0 vid {VLANID}
gemport 1 flow 1
switchport-bind switch_0/1 veip 1
vlan port eth_0/1 mode tag vlan {VLAN ID}
dhcp-ip ethuni eth_0/1 from-internet
loop-detect ethuni eth_0/1 enable //loop-detect  IS PREFERED TO BE ENABLED
tr069-mgmt 1 acs http://{ip}:7547 validate disable
security-mng {id} state enable mode permit protocol web https telnet
security-mng {id}state enable mode permit ingress-type lan protocol web https

Posted in ZTE OLT, GPON, OLT and tagged , , , .

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