ZTE OLT – Basic commands

ZTE OLT – Basic commands

ZTE OLT – Basic commands:

Checking Uptime, software version:

Show OLT Uptime:

Show uplink port:
Checking Uplink port

show Vlan summary:
checking VLAN Summary

Show ONT WAN Configuration:
configure ONT WAN VLAN 20 74 and 161

Factory reset the ONT:
factory reset

Reboot the ONT:
reboot ont

Power ON the Ethernet port on ONT:
power on eth 0 1 ONT port

Power OFF the Ethernet port on ONT:
shutdown eth 0 1 ONT port

Show card Slotno 1:
show card slotno 1

show card:
show card

Show GPON OLT interface:
show gpon olt 1 1 5

Show GPON ONU detail info GPON ONU:
show gpon onu detail info gpon onu

show gpon onu state:
show gpon onu state

show mac GPON ONU:
show mac gpon onu

Show ONT IP:
show ont IP

show ont port status:
show ont port status

Show ONT Version:
show ont version

show PON Power attenuation:
show pon power attenuation

show processor:
show processor

show temperature:
show temperature

Swap version by typing :

Posted in ZTE OLT, GPON, OLT.

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